Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tidal Wave, Encounters, and Gluttony

Ladies and Gentlemen, Belgium has been hit by a tsunami.

You may be asking how this has happened.

Let me be more specific...our apartment has been hit by a tsunami.

No...our bathroom.

Let me make it + broken shower head + too small shower curtain = tsunami in the bathroom.  I got out of the shower and the whole bathroom was soaked.  Not sure how everything got quite that drenched.

The Danger Zone.  See, that shower curtain is not an adequate size!

There should be a complete, big shower head attached to this...but it fell off. Hopefully, it will be fixed by Thursday!  It can't simply be fixed by a screw; it looks like part of the shower head broke off inside of the metal part. 

Nothing truly exciting has happened these past couple days.  Today, I went to Gamma (equivalent to Lowe's) and returned a screw driver.  We were going to fix our shower head because it was pointing at a weird angle...but it fell off before we could get to it!  I'm pretty proud for having a successful interaction at the store.  I used a little bit of french that I know and it went relatively smooth.  I still feel kind of rude though since I can't have a nice conversation with people; I don't want them to think I'm stuck up or something.  It has bee nice and cool here;  I think the high temperature for today is 58, so it was a nice cool walk to the store.  I think it may be a little under a mile away; it took me about 15 or so minutes to walk there.  Gamma is actually right next to the Colruyt we go to.  I definitely wouldn't want to make that walk with an arm-full of groceries, though.

Last night, I finally got to make something I've been dreaming about...PIZZA.  I have been craving it (along with peanut butter, asian food, cinnamon rolls, and biscuits and gravy) since we got here.  I finally picked up some packets of yeast to make some.  Making pizza dough really isn't that hard; I also just had to wing it on the measurements since I don't have my measuring cups nor my scale.  But it turned out great!  Baking, especially making any bread product, is really relaxing and makes me happy.  So yay!  I've got to try to figure out where they keep the brown sugar here so I can make cinnamon rolls.  I haven't been able to find it anywhere!  Last night I had a dream that all the grocery stores put it next to the broccoli; I might have to look there next time ;]

I also had a lot of weird crazy dreams because I just started reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.  Amazon had a deal and a lot of the classic books and stories were free;  I loaded up my Kindle (thanks Nan and Jill!) with a lot of books just in case.

If anyone is looking for some good recipes, I suggest going over to How Sweet It Is.  Coincidentally, the girl that runs the blog is Jessica.  She always has such amazing looking desserts and food.  I feel that we could get along really well.  One, she loves bacon and cheese.  Two, she's not a fan of veggies.  Three, did I mention her desserts are trophy worthy? And she's also really funny :]

Last week when we went to the store, I picked up this monster chocolate bar.  The brand was "Milka" and it was sooo good!  It was HUGE; I can't even call it a candy bar.  But I devoured it in like three days.  I ate it for breakfast and lunch a couple times.  Sooo healthy.  But it had sort of a crackery/graham cracker layer in it and then a creamy white layer and was surrounded in milk chocolate.  Now you know why it was gone in a few days.  I should have taken a picture of it...but I just didn't want to take any time away from eating it :] haha

I would really like to express many thanks to all of you out there.  So many people have been sending us messages with information they've found to make our lives a little bit easier over here.  Whether it be where an english speaking church is, where grocery stores are, or where we can find REAL milk, we really appreciate it.  It is so amazing to have family and friends reach out to us when we are so far away. As always, the words of encouragement and comments make my day.  You have all been so kind and thoughtful and it's nice to know people care.

Hope you all are getting through this shortened week.  Maybe next time I'll have a little something more to report on for you :]

Lots of Love.  God Bless.


  1. Kindles are amazing for reading Classics!! I got one just for that purpose. Anything out-of-copyright (pre-1923) is always free! Do you follow any online book clubs? I thought about googling one soon, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Hope you enjoyed your pizza! Cookies are next...I know you'll find a way. =)

  2. It is great to be able to read about your European adventure! Thank you for writing. As I said before, my husband and son are big fans of Tyrel. We often mention Tyrel to Luke as the example for being a great student and athlete.
    Those European showers! There is always a flood in the bathroom when Mike uses a shower in Poland. I don't like the "hand-held" showers - especially that they never sit right on that pole thing:) And those curtains - I think they make them for decoration because they just don't work.
    Milka is very good. Mike's favorite is Milka with raisins and hazelnuts. I don't like Hershey chocolate. Luckily you can buy Milka in the US. But my very favorite chocolate is Lindt chocolate - especially the kind with whole hazelnuts. Bon Apetit!:)

  3. Sorry about your shower problems....I'm sure it will be fixed soon....Although probably not soon enough to make U feel good about it...Ha Ha...
    As much as I read, I've felt like getting something like that. It just seems like there are so many around, that making the right choice seems kind of hard....Any suggestions?
    I may have to come and see you just for the choc and the waffles.....And of course to see you and Tyrel........

  4. This blog is going crazy! Love to hear everything! Even what seems boring to you, sure entertains all of us! Stay strong!

  5. Sounds like Ty needs to step up his game and fix the shower.ha Everytime I read your blog I get hungry. Hope all is well and keep on writing your blog I truly enjoy staying up on what you guys are doing. Headed to Cross country meet tomorrow. Take care and love you guys Papa Reed

  6. So I told one of my clients,who was in the military and lived over there a while, that I had a friend living in Belgium. She informed me that you HAVE to go see the smurf museum while you are there haha. So, I thought I would pass that on! Hope all is well!! (p.s. ky says he enjoys reading your blog at work everyday!)

    Love you guys!

    Steph and Ky
