Monday, October 10, 2011

Cat Food, Calzones, Baking, Bacon, Trinkets

Another week has passed; we are another week older...we should celebrate.  I hope you all had a great weekend and that your Monday isn't too bad.

This weekend my cousin, Jared, got married!  Congrats Jared and Fallon!  I really wish I could have been there to celebrate with them as they did for my wedding.  I'll see them in November, though :]  Luckily, my grandpa (Poppie) loves to take pictures (and videos) like me, so he was able to share some with me.

Last week was pretty great for me; it's been nice to have someone to walk around with and bake with!  The boys had a team function or something last week so Alec came over and I taught her how to make homemade cinnamon rolls.  We switched it up and made THREE different kind.

Action shot of her rolling out the dough! I think she's come to realize I take pictures of EVERYTHING haha Sorry, Alec!

Probably adding more sugar to the top of them :]

TA-DA! From left to right: peanut butter & chocolate chip, cinnamon & brown sugar, and nutella & chocolate chip.  They were AMAZING.  I think the pb&c is my new favorite :] And NO, we did not eat ALL of these; we were generous and passed some around to the other guys!

I've also seen on a lot of food blogs that people will make "savory rolls" and put garlic and butter or pesto inside them.  I may do this next time I want a dinner roll to go with supper! 
Since we're on the topic of bread, carbs, delicious comas......I wanted to share a picture of the calzone I made for Tyrel last week:

This, my friends, is the world's biggest calzone! And he ate it all.

Ok, I'm really sorry, but I feel like this is totally turning into a food blog where I post pictures of stuff I cook and bake...but really...that's all I have over here!!!! Food and working out (and the occasional basketball game).  Now, I KNOW you'd rather see pictures of food I make than pictures of me red-faced and sweaty after Jillian Michaels kicks my bear with me...I'll REALLY try to come up with some more exciting news to talk about.  And while I'm's another food picture :D

Ok, let me break this down for you...marinated chicken...stuffed with onions, mushrooms, garlic, and gouda...wrapped in bacon....WHEW. It was every bit as good as it sounds.  And I have found out chicken does NOT look pretty in pictures. But the bacon helps :]

And to cap off the week, Alec and I made chocolate chip pancakes when the guys had an away game.  I felt like a kid, again :D The boys lost their game Saturday (the first regular season game), but they have another game this Wednesday and it's at home!  I'm sure they will do really great.

The other day Alec and I waked around the town a little and explored some of the little shops.  We have had incredibly nice weather up until last week.  It has suddenly turned to 50 degrees, gloomy, and basically, the norm for Belgium :( But we trekked it through the rain, anyways!  They have some pretty cute shoe and clothing shops here; you will find a ton of boots, scarves, and skull-decorated items! haha  But really, all everyone seems to wear around here is boots.  I like it, but Ty doesn't seem to find boots nearly as cute as I do.  Tough luck.  But we came across this shop called "Danish Spirit" and it was not at all what I expected.  For some reason I thought it'd sell Danish decorations and food...but it was kind of like a little knic-knack shop.  Here are a couple of my very treasured findings that I might have to go back and get :D

This would, in fact, be a toilet-shaped mug.  I think EVERYONE needs one of these.  Wouldn't YOU love sipping some hot cocoa or coffee out of this? ;]

Sweet drinking glasses straws!  So you put them on like glasses, have one end in your beverage, and the other end in your mouth.  I think I need to get these for Tyrel so he can sip his 1.5L soda in style.  

I told you a while ago (probably the first week or two we got here) about how Tyrel got locked out of the apartment and had to wait for someone to walk out so he could get in.  Well, it happened, again, and Mike was with him.  They had gone to the bank after practice and none of the other guys rode with them.  As they both have wives that have the keys, they had no way of getting in when they came back. I guess they waited for over 30 minutes out there!  I think Mike had gone to McDonald's to get internet to send Alec a message to let them in; well she went down there and they weren't there!  So I'm in the room cleaning stuff and I look out the window and see Tyrel standing on some stairs yelling at me.  Lucky I was there!  We have now decided that if they aren't back by 12:30, I need to go down and check to see if they are waiting outside.  Good thing it was semi-nice out and not raining! :]

When I go to the home games, I always have someone affiliated with the team come talk to me, which is really nice.  At the last home game, the team's announcer (Gerard), asked me a favor.  Gerard speaks very good English and he goes to a class a couple times a week to continue to better it (I wish I had 1/8 of the skill he had!!!).  He asked if I would ever like to come to the class and speak to some of the students.  This way they'd have a chance to improve their English with an English-speaking person and ask questions about the United States and how I like Belgium.  I think this would be a really cool opportunity for me, so I told him I would love to.  I'm really excited and hope I don't say something stupid!  He hasn't given me a date yet, but I think it'll be in November or December.  

So the other day I happened to glance out the window and saw something that made me laugh and get pretty excited.  There was a man cruising along on his little sit-down scooter with both American and Texas flags attached to it! I really wish I could have gotten a picture but he was just too quick for me.  I was jumping up and down and yelling at Tyrel to come look, but he had already seen him before.  I am going to be on the look-out from now on so that I can catch a shot of him.  It makes me wonder if he really is American or if he has family there or what his story is...I wish I could have been outside so I could have talked to him.  I get very excited when there is the prospect of another American here in Belgium.

I hope you have a great week!  Tonight Ty and I are going to stock up on groceries and end the day with some homemade pizza.  Ty picked up a Colruyt card form so that we can get a little bit of a discount when we go shopping.  It seems like it's a lot like a Dillon's card.  So here is our filled-out form and hopefully I did it correctly (since it is all in French)! 

I want to leave you with a picture of something that both made me laugh and grossed me out:

Chocolate flavored Cat Fingers! (Langues De Chat) SICK.  They are little chocolate treats for people, but the package looks like they are meant for cats.  I don't think I could eat something with pictures of cats on it so that it makes it look like cat food.  I have seen a couple stores with Langues De Chat in them, so they must be pretty popular. (BARF)

Lots of love!


  1. Jessica - it was my husband on the motorcycle looking for Tyrel. Just kidding:) It will be interesting to get the story once you meet this guy.
    The German name for those chocolates is: cat tongues - Katzenzungen. That probably even sounds worse than fingers:)

  2. The cat finger thingies look gnarly (you know my love of cats) but the PB and choc chip cinnamon rolls, however, look like something I would like to get my hands on!

  3. Another excellent blog.........Glad you liked the pictures I sent........
    Looking forward to seeing you guys........
    I love U..........

  4. I love your food photos, Jess. Except I feel like I put on weight just looking at them! Yumm! We went to your brother's E-Fab dinner again this month. Pumpkin soup, spinach & butternut squash salad, snapper, chicken coq ca vin, & peaches & creme. Outstanding as always! Thanks for another fun blog. Oh, and tell your honey we bought his book today and it's so fun! I'll be buying some for Christmas presents for several people.
