Saturday, September 8, 2012

Blue-Eyed Birthdays, School, My Best Friend's Wedding

We've had another great and eventful couple of weeks.  Just the way I like it!

A few weeks ago, I travelled to Manhattan.  I know, right.  I can barely live with myself ;] But I was beyond excited.  It was baby boy Amos Jordan's FIRST birthday!!! Jenn put together a very cute birthday party for him and kept us full with such a good spread of tasty treats.

In love with those baby blues.


Amos is just one of those babies you want to squeeze and smooch all day long.  He has the most beautiful blue eyes that make your heart melt.

That week, Ty and I started fall semester.  YAY! (kind of).  I really did miss all of my classmates those weeks that we were apart; I'm not sure if I was excited to start school or just excited to see everyone, again.  However, I am so relieved that I am finally taking classes that really mean something and have useful information that I will use on the job someday!  One of my classes is so full of busy work and has me running around doing all sorts of projects.  I guess they don't want to create lazy OTs.  Neuroscience is going to be my toughest class this semester by far (and...umm...I should probably be studying for my test on Tuesday right now...OOPS!)  Luckily, my professor is very engaging and understands OTs.  I also started what our school calls "service learning".  I go to the American Stroke Foundation every week and get to interact with some really amazing people.  It makes me thankful for what I have and reminds me not to take the simple things for granted.  I can't imagine waking up one day after having a stroke and not being able to walk, talk, or take care of myself.  You truly have to have so much drive and motivation to work hard to get back to leading a semi-normal life.  It is very humbling to hear the survivors' stories and see them pushing themselves.

Just last week, one of my best friends got married.  It's a crazy thing, growing up.  Blair and I have been friends since we were 8 years old.  Her poor parents have put up with me eating all their food, drinking all their grape juice, and teaching their daughter songs by the Beastie Boys and Sir-Mix-A-Lot.  In second grade, Blair got this super cute hair cut.  Since she was my best friend, I, of course, had to do the same thing and chop off all my hair.  However, mine didn't quite come out the same.  I didn't look like a cute 8 year old, I looked like a 35 year old soccer mom.  So, my friends, I give you the year of the mom haircut: 

Here we are at 8 years old.  Kind of looks like Blake (Blair's newly acquired hubby) is using me as an arm rest :]

We've had our ups and downs (what teenage girls going through high school don't?), but I love that we're still in each other's lives.  Blair is awesome about catching up and planning friend dates.  She also knows way too much about me so I could probably never be her enemy; she'd have so much blackmail material! ;]

Married? Married! ("16 Candles" reference)

With the beautiful bride!
Hopefully, I can pull myself together and study so I can pass all my tests in the upcoming weeks!  Do send me thoughts and prayers.  I'm the type of person that bakes non-stop when I'm procrastinating or need a study break, so if you see my passed out in a sugar-coma, take away the Kitchen Aid.  

Lots of love.

Friday, August 17, 2012

A Year in Review: Did That REALLY Happen? Where Has the Time Gone???...

A couple days ago I woke up to a nice cool day for August in Kansas.  The 70 degree morning felt like such a relief compared to the 100+ temperatures we have been battling.  The day was begging me to go for a jog in the park next to my apartment.

As I slowly made my way around the park I was reminded of Belgium.  Cool air.  Cloudy, dreary skies. The burn in my lungs (though from lack of running compared to the inhalation of a ridiculous amount of other people’s cigarette smoke).  It got me thinking about what a crazy year it has been.  Has it really already been a year?  Wasn’t it just yesterday I was going through a whirlwind of excitement?

A year ago on August 15th I turned 22.  No big deal.  We didn’t know this day would be a game changer.  Ty and I woke up early to go to Target to help our friends Cole and Britt with an awesome event they had set up.  We were going back-to-school shopping with less-fortunate kids; Target was going to match Cole dollar-for-dollar of what he donated to the children.  It was so great to see those kids pick out new school supplies and back packs.  Afterwards, I went to Eudora to pick up some birthday cupcakes from Cami (of Cami’s Cakes who did our wedding cake and cupcakes).  My friend and former roommate, Lindie, came to hang out and we had a ridiculous photo sesh.  Then we got a call.  Ty’s agent let us know that he had drawn a contract with a team in Belgium.  Belgium?  What?  We waited a day or two more to get more details.  Then it was set.  We were to leave that weekend.  After a mere THREE weeks of being married, we were on our way to Europe. 

My awesome friend, Lindie.  Love her.
The few bags we had to take with us.

 I was a mish-mash of emotions.  Excitement. Nervousness. Relief. Anxiousness. Fear.  Endless questions running through my head. What was newlywed life going to be like overseas?  Would there be any other wives? Would I be able to interact with people? Will Ty like it? WHAT DO I PACK?

You all know the stories. 

We arrived in Belgium and I was terrified and excited.  What was this green, rainy country?  I had many painful grocery store and washing machine experiences.  I baked cinnamon rolls.  I went to games.  I smiled. I cried.  I watched a lot of Gossip Girl.

The washer that I REALLY think tried to drive me insane.  I shall forever hate it.

Cinnamon rolls.  Enough said.

And I did have ONE other wife I was able to talk to.  Alec will never know how thankful I was to have her there.  She probably thought I was this crazy, baking lady who liked to be alone.  But I enjoyed her company.  It was a weird experience knowing there was only one person (other than my husband) that I could hang out with and talk to.  I’m lucky she is completely awesome and I got along with her.  The Lord knew I needed a friend.

Alec and me at a game.  I don't know what I would have done without her.

And I had all of you.  You read my blog, left me comments, made me smile.  It was encouraging to know that people cared about us.  I was also mystified as to why anyone would ever want to read what I wrote. 

I seriously miss those waffles.

So I went through many emotions, experiences, and endeavors.  In November, I came home for my brother’s Laos wedding.  It was a breath of fresh air to be home and with family.  But I was still aching.  Tyrel was going to be there for 5 weeks without me.  It made me sad to know he would come home to an empty apartment with no one to talk to and no food on the table.  He’s tough, though.  Much tougher than I am.  

SO green.  I used to run through this park :) 

And this is where I left of last time.  December 12th finally rolled around and I was able to pick up Ty!  I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.  Seeing him there, physical and tactile, as he walked off the plane made my heart melt.   We were able to celebrate Christmas with our families and enjoy being home.

December and January brought some tough decisions for us.  We decided we wanted to move on past basketball overseas and take on new challenges.  We were going to go back to school.  Tyrel was accepted in to the doctoral physical therapy program at KU Med Center and I was accepted into the master program for occupational therapy.  Sure, we’ve done school our whole lives, but now we’re going to GRADUATE school?  With a bunch of really smart people?  What was I getting myself into?

Baby girl's 2nd birthday!  She loves her Uncle Ty.

 We stayed in Burlington for a couple months while we tried to figure everything out and get a game plan.  After being away from family and friends, it was actually a little enjoyable to be in that small town for a while.  Ty was also busy with book signings around Christmas and he was able to re-connect with KU fans.  We moved to Kansas City in February and started working before we’d have to go to school.  It was nice to get used to the area and get our bearings straight before we’d be swamped with schoolwork.  Kansas City is definitely a place of its own.  It was hard to get used to how spread out everything is and I didn’t exactly enjoy battling rush hour traffic twice a day. 

Trip to the zoo.
May rolled around, Ty and I went to open houses and orientations at the med center and were able to meet some of our professors and classmates.  It was quite the transition for me to go from doing not a whole lot in Belgium and taking care of Ty to working full time to getting in the school frame of mind.  The year off was nice, but it made it that much harder to get excited and motivated.  We officially started class the end of May and got into a routine.  Ty and I had one class together, clinical anatomy.  It.Was.Ridiculous.  We basically had 8 weeks to learn the human body when we were given almost 4 months to do that at KU.  It was one of the toughest classes I’ve taken, but we got through it!  I also got a little bit more of a taste of OT.  I knew it was a broad career path, but WOW, I’m not sure there is a setting where an OT can’t work.

My dancing queen.
After going through summer class, Ty and I went on some vacations.  I went to Virginia with some of my family and he went to Colorado with his dad.  We celebrated our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY and went on another vacation to Florida with his family and some friends.  Ty has also spent his fair share of golfing and fishing with friends.  Sometimes I feel like he could live the rest of his life outside in a tent.  I won’t challenge him to that, though. 

In Virginia.
All I can say is that it has been a roller coaster ride for our first year of marriage.  Last year at this time, I would have never imagined all of this would happen.  But I wouldn’t change it for the world.  We grow from experiences and we have to get out of our comfort zone.  I am truly blessed and thankful to have such an amazing husband to stand next to during all of this. 

1 year anniversary <3 
Ty and I are getting ready to start fall semester and we’ll take on a whole new set of classes.  I have made some wonderful friends in my program and I’m excited for what the next three years has to offer us.  Who knows where we’ll end up?  I’ve learned that you can never actually plan your future, but you have to go with what’s thrown at you and make the best of it. 

Watch out carpal tunnel, we'll splint you.

 I don’t know if this whole blog thing will become regular, again.  I just felt the need to put this out there.  I doubt anyone will even read it, but that’s okay, I like to listen to myself talk.

Also, here is one of my favorite recipes I have made WAY too many times since I’ve found it.  If you like cinnamon/snickerdoodles…you will LOVE this.  And if not, just send them my way :]